Crimson Cotton Lawn Fabric


Crimson Cotton Lawn Fabric

₹ 129.00

Above price is for 1 mtr fabric only, To watch this White fabric how its look please CLICK HERE 

Delivery Time : 6 to 8 working days

  • From Tailoringindia Fabrics, this very lightweight cotton lawn fabric is finely woven, soft and has an ultra smooth hand. It is perfect for heirloom sewing, blouses, dresses, shirts, lingerie, and fine linings.


    100% Cotton


    Width 42 Inches (Standard) | 106 Cms


    70 Grams Per Meter (Approx)


    100 x 100 (Warp x Weft) Yarn Count , 


     90 x 80 ( Read X PIck ) per inch thread .

    Wash Care

    Gentle Wash


    Slight difference in color from visible product image is possible. Due Photogenic Neelam shade card color is variable according mobile/computer device screen . your order will nearer to selected Customize shade No.


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