Emerald Color Cotton Slub fabric


Cotton Slub -01

₹ 140.00

Above price is for 1 mtr fabric only, To watch this White fabric how its look please CLICK HERE 

Delivery Time : 6 to 8 working days

From TailoringIndia, this cotton/Rayon blend fabric has a great drape and soft hand. This medium weight fabric is very versatile and perfect for apparel. It is great for shirts, wide leg pants, and full skirts.


100% Cotton


Width 42 Inches (Standard) | 106 Cms


100 Grams Per Meter (Approx)


30 x 30 (Warp x Weft) Yarn Count , 


High Quality Neps Cotton Yarn Weaved.

Wash Care

Gentle Wash


Slight difference in color from visible product image is possible. Due Photogenic Neelam shade card color is variable according mobile/computer device screen . your order will nearer to selected Customize shade No.


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